
Based on the order provided by the planning department, the warehouse delivers raw materials including sheets and lacquer to the lacquering unit.
In the lacquering unit, according to the instructions provided by the quality control standards, lacquer mixes by the desired formula and the furnace temperature adjusts on the setpoints. Then the sheet pallet places in the inlet of the lacquering machine where the lacquer is applied to the sheet according to the instructions in an exact amount. During the lacquering process, the weight and thickness of the coated lacquer, percentage of solids parts, curing rate, Scratchability, adhesion, and appearance of the lacquer on the sheets checks carefully by quality control to assure it complies with the national and internal standards.

In the lithography unit, the customer’s desired design performs on sheets that are used for offset printing machines. The design is transferred directly from the computer to the sheet by the CTP method. One of the advantages of this system over the traditional photographic process is the uniformity of the design on the whole sheet surface, moreover due to the light used in the traditional method heat cause the film and we see the expansion of the film. Additionally, in the photographic process, air dust can be placed on the film and cause colored spots on the product, especially on unpainted areas.